Monday, September 26, 2016


If you watch this page regularly, you will know that last week we released a new CD called "Portraits". Normally, our post today would be all about the new project, clips, where to buy and so forth.
However - - 
Our friends and neighbors in a few eastern Iowa towns are dealing with the second "once-in-a-lifetime" historic flooding of the Cedar River (and other rivers too) in 8 years.
So, our thoughts are with them today.
Eight years ago, we "learned" the old-timey favorite "Down To The River" and began playing it at our gigs as a way of "praying" for our friends involved in the flooding back then. 
It's hard to believe it's all happening again.... 
Please join us in sending up "prayers" or "thoughts" or whatever you want to call them for those dealing with this flooding. 
On a more concrete level, the Red Cross and United Way are both accepting donations to help. 
Thanks and stay safe!

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