Monday, August 25, 2014

New YouTube Channel

You mean to say that you haven't visited our new YouTube channel yet? It's got videos that were shot while we were in the studio recording "Old School" and will soon have more....
So get on over there today and "subscribe" so you see the new stuff as it's posted. Thanks and have a great week!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

New YouTube Channel

Today, we're excited to announce a new "channel" that we've added where we'll be placing some "Live" videos of our music. Here's the first video. Hope you enjoy it. Thanks!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

For Winfred

Today, many of us are crying about the death of a man who spent his life making us laugh. So, it seems appropriate that this week's song be "For Winfred" which was written one year ago as a humble attempt to comfort a family who'd just lost their beloved son/brother/father in an accident.  Here's a link to the song:
Thanks, and remember to tell those close to you what they mean to you today! 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Tonight! 8/7/14

tonight 7pm in Mt. Vernon, IA James Kennedy & Friends - - music+wine+pizza = please join us!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Live Music Thursday

#LiveMusic Thursday 8/7/14 at @Lincoln Winebar in Mt. Vernon. Starts at 7pm.
Hear cuts from "Old School"
and be the first to hear what we're working on for this year's release! 
Hope you can join us.
Thanks, and have a great week!