Monday, April 28, 2014

Ida Y Vuelta +

Good Monday to you all! We have just put some videos up at a new site - - - and are hoping you will all check them out.
So, our song/video this week is "Ida Y Vuelta" from "Old School".  
Here's a link to the song on soundcloud:
and here's a link to the page where you can see a video of us
recording this song:
We also hope that if you're in the area, you'll join us at Mt. Vernon's Chalk The Walk Festival on Sunday, May 4th when we'll be playing in downtown Mt. Vernon.
Thanks and have a great week. 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

In The Pocket

Hello Tuesday! and Happy Earth Day too! 
This week's song will put a little bounce in your step. 
"In The Pocket" is a song that originally appeared on 
"Project 19" and has been so popular that we re-recorded it
when we did our "Live" album "Old School". So
here are those two versions: 
Drop us a note or leave a comment telling us which is your favorite version.
At the end of the week, we'll draw a name from all the comments we get and that lucky person will get a free MP3 copy of their favorite version. 
Thanks and have a great week!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Happy Tuesday!  This week's song is sure to add a little "spunk" to your week...
"Dollface" from our CD "Roulette"
here's a link to the song/video
and you can get all of our CDs/songs here;
Thanks and have a great week!